AL10 > AL10B5


Copyright Notice

KWM entails the use of a communication model (Japanese Patent Application No. 2011-178636, Jahng 2016(Proceedings of the the 32nd annual conference of JSET) ) that allows all course participants to view, in part or in whole, content consisting of information that communicators wish to convey, of relevant materials submitted by students such as their notebooks, questions, and observations, and comments that communicators make in response to these.
The locus of ownership over the intellectual property accumulated through this interactive information provision represents a problem of great social urgency. Since similar problems are being faced not only with the online version of the KWM, but also by recent social media and networking services, we must await the creation of social regulations in the near future.
Although the KWM Web version has been equipped with a mechanism preventing the identification of individuals (i.e., personal name) when browsing and mechanisms for deleting personal information from the system when deleting an account, with regards to the aforementioned interactive information accumulation mechanism, we have elected to leave content intentionally posted by individuals to the system (though this can be flagged as private at the discretion of the senders). While we will continue to build systematic preventive measures more robustly in the future, we are very aware that the work of visualizing learning processes that make use of the KWM Web version is at this very moment accumulating in a variety of locations, and that it is unfeasible simply to wait for the development of new systems. Therefore, I have decided to request that everyone now using or considering the use of the KWM for “provisional consent until the establishment of a new social system.”
The substance of the consent that we are asking for includes:
To firmly refuse any unauthorized reproduction (including screen captures) of the information that is the common property of all KWM users,
In the event that such a situation arises, not to involve KWM in any social redress, but to deal with the problem between the parties responsible for the unauthorized reproduction, and
To enable the use of anonymized KWM information limited to research purposes and the development of better systems.
Please note that existing KWM participants who are unable to accept these conditions are asked to delete their KWM accounts. To those who plan to register as new users, especially those who belong to educational agencies unable to give their consent, we ask that you discuss the matter with the parties responsible for each course.

©️ Doosub JAHNG (jahng @

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This KWM website (hereafter referred to as "this website") is managed by Jahng Laboratory in Natl. Univ. Corp., Kyushu Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering, Department of Human Intelligence Systems, Team Management Laboratory (hereafter referred to as "this laboratory ").

In order to properly protect the personal information of everyone who uses this website, our laboratory has established a privacy policy (referred to as "this privacy policy") to be posted below.

After confirming the contents of this privacy policy at the time you are using this website, you will be regarded as understanding / agreeing these contents. Our laboratory is not responsible for the private policy and contents of privacy information on other web sites linking to external web pages.
Please confirm the latest version of the private policy since our laboratory may change this policy at any time without notice in order to protect the personal information of users and in conjunction with the establishment and revision of laws and regulations

1. Collecting personal information
When registering your KWM's account, our laboratory may collect personal information from the users to the extent as needed. The range of personal information to be collected shall not exceed the limit necessary for achieving the purpose of collection, and in collecting it by lawful and fair manners.
Our laboratory will not collect personal identifiable information (e.g. name of users, email addresses) unless it is provided by the user himself / herself.

2. Management and storage of personal information
We will assign an administrator who will properly manages the personal information provided by users In addition, our laboratory sometimes entrusts parts of the work of our laboratory to external contractors deemed to properly handle personal information for the purpose of affairs execution and service provision. The contractor uses personal information to the extent necessary for doing affairs. In this case, unless there are special circumstances, we will try to prevent information leakage and re-provision by means such as regulating with mandatory contracts.

3. The use of personal information
We will use personal information gathered by our laboratory within the range necessary for conducting data collection. For statistical information for which individuals are not specified (individual page access transition, browser type, regional information, age group, etc.), we will use it as a reference for improving services and provision of high-quality information, or for future research and development. Our laboratory sometimes stores and processes personal information for education, research and service, and we may contact the user using that personal information. In addition, we may store that personal information in our laboratory database for the same purpose.
When the user consented and provides personal information, information may be delivered by e-mail or other means from our laboratory or the subcontractor of our laboratory. If the user does not want such information to be distributed, we will take a predetermined step and stop the distribution immediately.

4. Disclosure of personal information to third parties
Our laboratory will not disclose personal information provided by users to third parties (excluding business tie-ups / consignees) without user's consent. However, we may disclose your personal information to external organizations at the request based on a law or if our laboratory decides that it is necessary to disclose the information for the following purposes:
(1) To respond to requests from public agencies;
(2) To protect / defend the rights or property of our laboratory students, faculty staff, information providers and third parties; and
(3) To ensure life and safety of students, faculty, staff, information providers and third parties in our laboratory

5. Request for disclosure, correction and deletion of personal information
Our laboratory will promptly disclose to users about the personal information of users, if there is an offer to disclose from users themselves within a reasonable range. However, excluding cases where you infringe the rights of other third parties or judge that the laboratory's work performance will be seriously hindered. In addition, we will correct or delete personal information as soon as possible if there is a request for correction or deletion from the user himself / herself.

6. Security
Since all personal information acquired by this website is encrypted by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), high security is ensured. In addition to preventing the leakage of information to the outside, we will strive for protection by implementing appropriate and rational safety measures against dangers such as loss, destruction, falsification of information, and unauthorized access from the outside.

7. Regarding applicable laws and regulations
Applicable laws and regulations concerning this privacy policy are the domestic laws and treaties and the rules concerning personal information protection prescribed by Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT Regulation No. 6, 2005). Our laboratory will comply with these applicable laws and regulations.

8. Ongoing review
Our laboratory will continuously review the content of this privacy policy and make efforts to improve it.

For inquiries on this matter, please contact [].

(Created March 6, 2014)